Agilent N4010A WLAN Test Suite

Agilent.N4010.WLanTest.Exceptions Namespace

This namespace contains definitions of all the public exceptions used in the Agilent N4010 WLanTest programming interface.

Namespace hierarchy


Class Description
ArbitraryWaveformGeneratorException Thrown when an error is reported by the AWG instrument.
AutorangeFailedException Thrown when an autorange failed because the necessary measurements did not trigger
AutorangeRunningException Thrown when you try to perform an operation, but an Autorange is already running on the N4010.
BandwidthNotAvailableOnInstrumentException Thrown when an attempt is made to set a measurement bandwidth that the connected instrument cannot use.
BurstFieldNotFoundException Thrown when an attempt is made to retrieve information about a portion of a burst when that burst portion was not found during demodulation.
CalibrationErrorException Thrown when an attempt to calibrate the Agilent N4010A instrument causes the instrument to return an error.
CalibrationRunningException Thrown when you try to perform an operation, but a Calibration operation is already running on the N4010.
CannotConnectToInstrumentException Thrown when a connection cannot be made to the instrument
CannotDeterminePacketLengthException Thrown when the autorange mechanism cannot determine the packet length of the input signal.
FailedToStartException Thrown when starting a new instance of the Agilent.N4010.WLanTest.Instrument class. Text may provide further information
FileExistsOnInstrumentException Thrown when trying to create a file where the name already exists on the hardware instrument.
FileStoreFullException Thrown when an attempt is made to download a sequence or segment file for which there is not enough free space
FramesUsedOutOfRangeException Thrown when an attempt is made to set frames used outside the valid range.
FrequencyOutOfRangeException Thrown when an attempt is made to set to a frequency outside the valid range.
GeneralXMLException This exception is thrown if while parsing the XML file any errors occur. These can be because of incorrect formatting, incorrect symbols or values out of range.
InconsistentBurstTypeException Thrown when an attempt is made to measure and average multiple bursts, but those bursts are not of the same modulation format as each other.
InconsistentMeasurementSettingsException Thrown when an attempt is made to start a measurement but some of the settings do not permit a valid measurement to be made. Check the exception text for a full description of the problem.
InconsistentMultiStepPowerSettingsException Thrown when an attempt is made to run a Multi step power measurement with too long a capture length required
InconsistentRampThresholdSettingsException Thrown when an attempt is made to run a PowerRamp measurement with the upper threshold value that is not higher than the lower threshold.
IncorrectFirmwareRevisionException Thrown when an attempt is made to connect to an instrument that has an incorrect firmware revision.
InputSignalTooWeakException Thrown when an attempt is made to autorange using a signal that is too weak to read, or there is no input signal
InternalErrorException Thrown when an internal error occurs
InvalidAlphaValueException Thrown when an attempt is made to set a Alpha value that is not a valid value.
InvalidAuxilaryPortEnabledValueException Thrown when an attempt is made to set an auxiliary port's state to an invalid value
InvalidbTValueException Thrown when an attempt is made to set a bT value that is not a valid value.
InvalidComplexSequenceFileNameException Thrown when an attempt is made to save a sequence file with an invalid name.
InvalidExpectedSignalBandwidthException Thrown when an attempt is made to set an invalid ExpectedSignalBandwidth value, or to make a measurement which is invalid for the current expected signal bandwidth.
InvalidFileNameException Thrown when an attempt is made to load or save a file with an invalid name.
InvalidGateValueException Thrown when an attempt is made to read Gated Power from a demod measurement with invalid time gate values.
InvalidLossCompensationFileVersionException This exception is thrown when an XML loss compensation file is loaded into the instrumet that has a version number that is not supported.
InvalidModulationFormatException Thrown when an attempt is made to set an invalid modulation format value.
InvalidParameterException Thrown when a call was made with an invalid parameter.
InvalidReferenceFilterTypeException Thrown when an attempt is made to set a ReferenceFilterType value that is not a valid ReferenceFilterTypeEnum value.
InvalidSegmentNameException Thrown when an attempt is made to add to a sequence file a segment with an invalid name.
InvalidSegmentRepeatCountException Thrown when an attempt is made to add a segment to a sequence file with an invalid RepeatCount.
InvalidSequenceFileException Thrown when an attempt is made to save a sequence file with no segments.
InvalidTriggerStyleException Thrown when an attempt is made to run a WTA measurement in FreeRun trigger style
InvalidWindowTypeException Thrown when an attempt is made to set a WindowType value that is not a valid WindowTypeEnum value.
LossCompensationFixedQueryException This excepetion is thrown when querying the fixed value for loss compensation for both the source and the receiver and the values are not the same. This situation can arise if the source and analyzer are set separately to different values.
LossCompensationFixedValueOutOfRangeException Thrown when an attempt is made to set the fixed value setting for Loss Compensation outside the valid range.
MaxPacketLengthOutOfRangeException Thrown when an attempt is made to set MaxPacketLength outside the valid range.
MaxSymbolsUsedOutOfRangeException Thrown when an attempt is made to set MaxSymbolsUsed outside the valid range.
MeasurementErrorException Thrown when the measurement returns an error.
MeasurementIntervalOutOfRangeException Thrown when an attempt is made to run a MultiStep power measurement with a Measurement interval value out of range.
MeasurementRunningException Thrown when you try to perform an operation, but a Measurement is already running on the N4010.
MeasurementTimeoutException Thrown when a measurement reports a timeout
MeasurementTimeoutOutOfRangeException Thrown when an attempt is made to set an invalid measurement timeout
MeasurementTimePeriodOutOfRangeException Thrown when an attempt is made to run a MultiStep power measurement with a Measurement Interval value out of range
MissingSegmentFileException Thrown when trying to select a sequence file that contains references to one or more segment files that do not exist on the instrument
MmpaConnectedException Thrown when an attempt is made to set or query the state of a TTL Output when the MIMO/Multiport Adapter is connected
MmpaNotConnectedException Thrown when an attempt is made to perform an action that requires a MIMO/Multiport adapter when no such adapter is connected.
NoReferencePortOnFrontPanelException Thrown when an attempt is made to access the reference port on the front panel, which has no reference port.
NoSequenceFileSelectedException Thrown when an attempt is made to Trigger the AWG without a sequence file selected.
NoSuchInstrumentFileException Thrown when trying to access a file where the name already does not exist on the hardware instrument.
NotLicensedException Thrown when an attempt is made to perform an operation that is not licensed
NumStepsOutOfRangeException Thrown when an attempt is made to run a MultiStep power measurement with a NumSteps value out of range
OutputLevelOutOfRangeException Thrown when an attempt is made to set to a Output level outside the valid range.
PowerRangeOutOfRangeException Thrown when an attempt is made to set to a power range outside the valid range.
RampThresholdOutOfRangeException Thrown when an attempt is made to set a ramp threshold that is out of range
RampTimeWindowFactorOutOfRangeException Thrown when an attempt is made to set a ramp time window factor that is out of range
ReadonlyFileException Thrown when an attempt is made to delete a readonly file
ReceiverOverRangeException Thrown when a setting causes the receiver to be set to a value that is more than its physical limit.
ReceiverUnderRangeException Thrown when a setting causes the receiver to be set to a value that is less than its physical limit.
ReferenceLevelOutOfRangeException Thrown when an attempt is made to set to a SpectralMask ReferenceLevel outside the valid range.
ResultNotAvailableException Thrown when a query is made for a measurement result but no result is available
RFPortOutOfRangeException Thrown when an attempt is made to access the RF port with an invalid port number
SampleRateOutOfRangeException Thrown when an attempt is made to set to a Sample rate outside the valid range.
SegmentAlreadyLoadedException Thrown when an attempt is made to put a second segment file into a sequence
SelfTestRunningException Thrown when you try to perform an operation, but a Self Test is already running on the N4010.
SequenceAlreadySavedException Thrown when an attempt is made to update a complex sequence file that has already been saved.
SourceActiveException Thrown when you try to perform an operation, but the source is already running on the N4010.
SourceInactiveException Thrown when you try to perform an operation, but the source is not currently running on the N4010.
TooManySegmentsException Thrown when an attempt is made to add too many segments to a complex sequence file.
TriggerDelayOutOfRangeException Thrown when an attempt is made to set Trigger Delay outside the valid range.
TriggerHoldoffOutOfRangeException Thrown when an attempt is made to set Trigger Holdoff outside the valid range.
TriggerLevelOutOfRangeException Thrown when an attempt is made to set to a trigger level outside the valid range.
TriggerStyleOutOfRangeException Thrown when an attempt is made to set Trigger Style outside the valid range.
TTLOutputOutOfRangeException Thrown when an attempt is made to set to a TTL Output Level outside the valid range.
UnsupportedHardwareException Thrown when the Agilent N4010A instrument does not have the required optional hardware required for WLAN testing.
VisaException Thrown when an error is reported by the VISA subsystem
XmlParsingException Thrown when the XML file being loaded does not match the valid Schema.