Agilent N4010A WLAN Test Suite

Instrument.MirrorFrequency Property

Specifies whether frequency mirroring is applied.

[Visual C++ 6.0 / COM]
VARIANT_BOOL GetMirrorFrequency();

void PutMirrorFrequency( VARIANT_BOOL value );
[Visual Basic 6.0]
MirrorFrequency [ = value ]
[Visual Basic]
Public Property MirrorFrequency As Boolean
public bool MirrorFrequency {get; set;}

Property Value

true - use frequency mirroringfalse - do not use frequency mirroring

Default - false.


Cannot be set while a measurement is running, a calibration or self test is in progress, or the source is running.

Changing this value invalidates the Measurement Cache.


Exception TypeCondition
MeasurementRunningException A measurement is currently running. You can find out if a measurement is running by reading the MeasurementRunning property.
CalibrationRunningException A calibration is currently running. You can find out if a calibration is running by reading the CalibrationRunning property.
SelfTestRunningException A self test is currently running. You can find out if a self test is running by reading the SelfTestRunning property.
AutorangeRunningException An autorange is currently running. You can find out if an autorange is running by reading the AutorangeRunning property.
SourceActiveException The source is currently running or a sequence file is selected. You can find out if the source is currently running by reading the SourceActive property.

See Also

Instrument Class | Agilent.N4010.WLanTest Namespace