Agilent N4010A WLAN Test Suite

MeasurementSpectralMask11b Members

MeasurementSpectralMask11b overview

Public Instance Properties

IncreasedDynamicRange Setting

Increased dynamic range for the 802.11b spectral mask measurement.
Margin (inherited from MeasurementSpectralMaskBase) Result

Spectral mask margin
MaxPowerDensity (inherited from MeasurementSpectralMaskBase) Result

Maximum power in any 1MHz wide portion of measured spectrum (W/MHz)
NumSpectrumPoints (inherited from MeasurementSpectralMaskBase) Result

Number of Spectral Mask points returned by the measurement.
OBW (inherited from MeasurementSpectralMaskBase) Result

Occupied bandwidth of the signal
OBWHighFrequencyLimit (inherited from MeasurementSpectralMaskBase) Result

High frequency limit of OBW range
OBWLowFrequencyLimit (inherited from MeasurementSpectralMaskBase) Result

Low frequency limit of OBW range
Overloaded (inherited from MeasurementBaseFrontEnd) Result

Overload status of measurement
ReferenceLevel (inherited from MeasurementSpectralMaskBase) Setting

Level to be considered as 0 dB for the Spectral Mask measurement.
ReferenceLevelResult (inherited from MeasurementSpectralMaskBase) Result

Reference level used for measurement
Span (inherited from MeasurementSpectralMaskBase) Setting

Frequency span for the Spectral Mask measurement.

Public Instance Methods

Amplitude (inherited from MeasurementSpectralMaskBase) Result

Amplitude of a given spectrum point
Equals (inherited from Object) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
ForceInitiate (inherited from MeasurementSpectralMaskBase) Start the measurement running
Frequency (inherited from MeasurementSpectralMaskBase) Result

Frequency of a given spectrum point
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetType (inherited from Object) Gets the Type of the current instance.
Initiate (inherited from MeasurementBaseFrontEnd) Start the measurement running
ToString (inherited from Object) Returns a String that represents the current Object.

See Also

MeasurementSpectralMask11b Class | Agilent.N4010.WLanTest.Measurements Namespace