
Last Updated: June 19, 2009

These commands provide test set specific settings for the Center Frequency Leakage (CFL) measurement.

This measurement is only applicable to signals modulated using orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM). The modulation format is set using [SENSe:]RADIo:STANdard[:SELect]:WLAN[?].


Sets/queries whether or not averaging is performed on the Center Frequency Leakage measurement.

The number of averages is set using [SENSe:]CFLeakage:AVERage:COUNt[?].

Setting Range: 0 | OFF | 1 | ON

Query Range: 0 | 1

*RST Setting: 0 | OFF

Test Set Requirements: N8300A Wireless Networking Test Set Version A.02 and above


CFLeakage:AVERage ON

Turns averaging on for the Center Frequency Leakage measurement.


Sets/queries the number of averages to be made for the Center Frequency Leakage measurement.

Averaging can be switched on or off using [SENSe:]CFLeakage:AVERage[:STATe][?].

Setting Range: 1 to 10,000

Query Range: 1 to 10,000

Resolution: 1

*RST Setting: 10

Test Set Requirements: N8300A Wireless Networking Test Set Version A.02 and above


CFLeakage:AVERage:COUNt 5

Sets the average count to 5 for the Center Frequency Leakage measurement.


Sets/queries the type of trigger source for the Center Frequency Leakage measurement.  

Refer to TRIGger for more information on configuring the trigger.

Setting Range: EXTernal | IMMediate | RFBurst

Query Range: EXT | IMM | RFB

*RST Setting: IMMediate

Test Set Requirements: N8300A Wireless Networking Test Set Version A.02 and above


CFLeakage:TRIGger:SOURce RFBurst

Sets the RFBurst triggering source for the Center Frequency Leakage measurement.