Program to Establish Dual Transfer Mode Operation

Program to Establish Dual Transfer Mode Operation

Last updated: December 3, 2008


The following is a programming example of establishing Dual Transfer Mode connection between the mobile station and the test set. This procedure assumes that:

Programming Example

10    Test_set=714
20    DIM Call_status$[10] !declare the connection status string
30    !
40 !Set up parameters.
50    OUTPUT Test_set;"CALL:FUNCtion:CONNection:TYPE BLER"!Set the data connection type
60    OUTPUT Test_set;"CALL:PDTCH:MSLot:CONFig D2U2"!Set the multislot configuration.
70    OUTPUT Test_set;"CALL:PDTCH:DTMode:CSWitched:TSLot 4"!Set the CS timeslot.
80   !
90 !Establish a Circuit Switched (CS) voice call.
100    OUTPUT Test_set;"CALL:PAG:IMSI `001012345678901'"
110    OUTPUT Test_set;"CALL:PAG:REP OFF"  ! Set the paging repeat state.
120       !
130    Tries=1
140    LOOP
150        OUTPUT Test_set;"CALL:ORIG"   ! Originate a call.
160        OUTPUT Test_set;"CALL:CONN:STAT?"! CALL:CONN hanging query.
170        ENTER Test_set;Call_connected
180       ! Program will hang here until origination process completes.  If
190       ! successful and the call is connected the query will return a 1
200       ! and the program will next start a data connection.
210       ! If unsuccessful and the call is not connected, the query
220       ! returns 0.
230       !
240    EXIT IF Call_connected
260        IF Tries=50 THEN
270            BEEP
280            DISP ""
290            PRINT "Call did not connect after";Tries;"."
300            PRINT "Program terminated."
310            STOP
320        END IF
330        DISP "Call has not connected after";Tries;"attempts."
340        Tries=Tries+1
350    END LOOP
360 !
370    OUTPUT Test_set;"CALL:FUNCtion:DATA:STARt"!Establishes a PS data connection.
380    END

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Dual Transfer Mode