Last Updated: June 19, 2009

These commands provide parameters that effect most measurements, such as the WLAN standard and which port to use.


Sets/queries the maximum packet length, often referred to as the acquisition length for each transmit measurement. Note that longer capture lengths require longer test execution.

The units (S|MS|US|NS) are optional, if no units are specified then units default to S.

Setting Range: 1E-08 to 0.00519218 s

Query Range: 1E-08 to 0.00519218 s

Resolution: 0.00000001 s

*RST Setting: 0.00097 s

Test Set Requirements: N8300A Wireless Networking Test Set Version A.02 and above


RADio:MPACketlen 0.000180

Sets the packet length to 180 ms.


Sets/queries the maximum number of symbols that an IEEE 802.11a or 802.11n demodulation measurement is made over.

A suitable maximum packet length must be set using [SENSe:]RADio:MPACketlen[?] for the number of symbols to be made available to the demodulation measurement.

Setting Range: 1 to 2048

Query Range: 1 to 2048

Resolution: 1

*RST Setting: 16

Test Set Requirements: N8300A Wireless Networking Test Set Version A.02 and above


RADio:MSYMbols 8

Sets the number of symbols to 8.


Sets/queries the WLAN standard to test.

Note that:

Setting Range: A | B | GDSSs | GOFDm | N

Query Range: A | B | GDSS | GOFD | N

*RST Setting: B

Test Set Requirements: N8300A Wireless Networking Test Set Version A.02 and above



Sets the WLAN standard to 802.11b.


Sets/queries whether or not the analyzed spectrum is mirrored. You must use this command if the device you are testing outputs its frequency in reverse.

Setting Range: 0 | OFF | 1 | ON

Query Range: 0 | 1

*RST Setting: 0 | OFF  

Test Set Requirements: N8300A Wireless Networking Test Set Version A.02 and above


RADio:STANdard:MIRRorspec ON

Turns the mirror spectrum on.


Sets/queries whether or not the synchronization mode is set to channel estimation sequence. Some Wireless LAN devices get better 11a EVM results when the synchronization mode is channel estimation sequence, rather than the (faster) short training sequence. For those devices, this command should be set to ON.

Setting Range: 0 | OFF | 1 | ON

Query Range: 0 | 1

*RST Setting: 0 | OFF  

Test Set Requirements: N8300A Wireless Networking Test Set Version A.02 and above


RADio:STANdard:SSEQuence:ALTernate ON

Use alternate training sequence.