Step 4: Make a connection

Step 4: Make a connection

Last updated: April 14, 2005

In this step you make a connection between the test set and access terminal (AT). To do this you must first open a session from the AT. You may then open a connection from the test set or prompt the user to open a connection from the AT.

Establish a Session from the Access Terminal

A session can only be established from the access terminal. The test set can not open a session.

In this step you:

  1. Set the Data Connection State Change Detector timeout.
  2. Arm the Data Connection State Change Detector .
  3. Prompt the user to open a session from the AT and then continue the program execution.
  4. Query the session open state of the data connection using the CALL:SOPen? query, to verify a session was opened successfully.

An excerpt from the comprehensive example program is shown below:

1140 !**************************************************************************
1150 ! STEP 4: MAKE A CONNECTION (Open a session)
1160 !**************************************************************************

1190       ! Open a session with the AT and read AT parameters

2880       ! Set connection change detector timeout
2900       ! Arm the connection state change detector
2910 !
2920       BEEP
2930       LINPUT "Connect AT and power on, press ENTER when session open",Keyboard$
2940       DISP "Verifying session is open"
2950 !
2960       OUTPUT Testset;"CALL:SOPEN?"
2970       ! Query the session open state
2980       ENTER Testset;Session_open
2990       IF Session_open=0 THEN
3000       ! If session did not open then end program
3010           BEEP
3020           Print_title("Access Terminal did not open session, check settings")
3030           Print_title("Terminating Testing")
3040           GOTO End_program
3050       END IF
3060 !
3070       DISP "Session Open"
3080 !
3090 !***Read ACCESS TERMINAL information***
3100 !
3110       OUTPUT Testset;"CALL:MS:REP:SSEED?"
3120       ENTER Testset;Sseed$
3130       OUTPUT Testset;"CALL:MS:REP:HID:TYPE?"
3140       ENTER Testset;Hid_type$
3150       OUTPUT Testset;"CALL:MS:REP:HID:HEX?"
3160       ENTER Testset;Hid_hex$
3170       OUTPUT Testset;"CALL:MS:REP:HID:DEC?"
3180       ENTER Testset;Hid_dec$

14550  Session_check: DEF FNSession_check ! Function to check session open state
14560           COM Testset,Result_file$
14570           OUTPUT Testset;"CALL:SOPEN?"
14580           ! Query the session open state
14590           ENTER Testset;Session_check
14600           RETURN Session_check
14610           ! Function returns 1 for session open, 0 for idle or connected
14620       FNEND

Open a Connection from the Test Set

In this step you first determine the status of the data connection. The data connection must be in the session open state before you can open a connection. If the data connection is in the session open state, then you:

  1. Specify whether you would like to open an RTAP or FTAP connection, and at what rate, using the CALL:APPLication commands.
  2. Set the Data Connection State Change Detector timeout.
  3. Arm the Data Connection State Change Detector .
  4. Page the access terminal using the CALL:FUNCtion:DATA:STARt command.
  5. Query the connected state of the data connection using the CALL:DCONnected[:STATe]? query to verify a connection was opened successfully.

An excerpt from the comprehensive example program is shown below:

1140 !**************************************************************************
1150 ! STEP 4: MAKE A CONNECTION (Open an RTAP connection)
1160 !**************************************************************************

3280       DISP "Opening (or Moving to) an RTAP Connection"
3290 !
3300       IF NOT FNConnected THEN
3310           DISP "Connection is not currently open"
3320           ! If the state is NOT connected, then see if it is session open
3330 !
3340           IF NOT FNSession_check THEN
3350           ! If the state is NOT session open, then end program
3360               Print_title("Session is not currently open")
3370               Print_title("Ending Testing")
3380               GOTO End_program
3390           END IF
3400           ! If the state is session open, then change to RTAP and
3410           ! open a connection
3420           DISP "Session is open, opening an RTAP connection now"
3430 !
3440           OUTPUT Testset;"CALL:APPLICATION RTAP"
3450           ! Set application type to RTAP (for TX testing)
3470           ! Set RTAP data rate to 9600 kbps
3480           GOSUB Start_data
3490 !
3500       ELSE
3510           DISP "Connection is currently open, changing to RTAP"
3520           ! If state is connected, then change to RTAP
3530           OUTPUT Testset;"CALL:APPLICATION RTAP"
3540           ! Set application type to RTAP (for TX testing)
3560           ! Set RTAP data rate to 9600 kbps
3570 !
3580           IF NOT FNConnected THEN
3590           ! This additional loop is only necessary if Limited TAP is On
3600               DISP "Connection was closed when Application changed"
3610               ! If the state is NOT connected, then see if session open
3620               IF NOT FNSession_check THEN
3630               ! If the state is NOT session open, then end program
3640                   Print_title("Session is not currently open")
3650                   Print_title("Ending Testing")
3660                   GOTO End_program
3670               END IF
3680               ! If the state is session open, then re-open a connection
3690               DISP "Session is open, re-opening an RTAP connection now"
3700               GOSUB Start_data
3710           END IF
3720 !
3730           DISP "RTAP Connection Open"
3740 !
3750       END IF

4340  Start_data:!
4350 !*******************************************************************
4360 ! Subroutine: Start data connection and verify it has connected
4370 !*******************************************************************
4380 !
4400       ! Set connection change detector timeout
4420       ! Arm the connection state change detector
4440       ! Page the access terminal
4450       OUTPUT Testset;"CALL:DCONNECTED?"
4460       ! Query the connection status
4470       ENTER Testset;Data_started
4480 !
4490       IF Data_started=0 THEN
4500           Print_title("Data connection could not be opened")
4510           Print_title("Ending Testing")
4520           GOTO End_program
4530       END IF
4540 !
4550       DISP "Data Connection Open"
4560 !
4570       RETURN

14460  Connected: DEF FNConnected ! Function to check connected state
14470           COM Testset,Result_file$
14480           OUTPUT Testset;"CALL:DCONNECTED?"
14490           ! Query the connected status
14500           ENTER Testset;Connected
14510           RETURN Connected
14520           ! Function returns 1 for connected, 0 for idle or session open
14530       FNEND
14540 !
14550  Session_check: DEF FNSession_check ! Function to check session open state
14560           COM Testset,Result_file$
14570           OUTPUT Testset;"CALL:SOPEN?"
14580           ! Query the session open state
14590           ENTER Testset;Session_check
14600           RETURN Session_check
14610           ! Function returns 1 for session open, 0 for idle or connected
14620       FNEND
