

Last updated: May 10, 2010

GPIB Command Conventions



Sets/queries the time (in frames) that the downlink multi-tone audio measurement should be held off to ensure that transients have settled in the vocoders in the test set's transmitter and the mobile station's receiver. See Multi-Tone Audio Setup for details.
Setting Range: 0 to 100 (frames)
Resolution: 1


same as setting

*RST setting

30 (frames)


Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:ANALyzer:DOWNlink:SETTling 50"
!Sets the audio analyzer settling time to 50 frames
!after changing downlink generator parameter.



Sets/queries multi-tone audio analyzer frequencies/states for each of the 20 tones in the form of a comma-separated list of 20 values. A value (in units of Hz by default) must be entered for each of the 20 tones. An entry of 0 in the list indicates that the state of that tone is set to Off.

The multi-tone audio analyzer frequencies/states can not be set when the SETup:CMAudio:ANALyzer:FREQuency:ALL:GENerator is set to ON.


Range: 10 to 4000 Hz (only spec'd to 3000 Hz) and 0 (indicating that tone is turned off)
Resolution: 10 Hz


Same as above settings

*RST setting

100 Hz increments starting at 300 Hz for the first tone


Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:ANALyzer:FREQuency:ALL 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950, 1000, 1050, 1100, 1150, 1200, 1250, 0"
!Sets multi-tone audio analyzer frequencies for tones 1 to 19 and turns 
!their states to On, and turns off tone 20.



Sets/queries whether to use the specified uplink or downlink audio generator frequencies/states for the multi-tone audio analyzer frequencies/states.

When this setting is On, the analyzer sets its frequencies/states according to the downlink audio generator frequency settings ( SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:FREQuency:DOWNlink:PRESet ) for the downlink measurements (when SETup:CMAudio:MEASurement:MODE is set to DOWNlink), or according to the uplink audio generator frequency settings ( SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:FREQuency:Uplink:ALL[:SVALue] or SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:FREQuency:Uplink:PRESet ) for the uplink measurements (when SETup:CMAudio:MEASurement:MODE is set to UPLink). It is useful if you want to measure the same frequencies that are generating.

When this setting is 'Off', the analyzer will use the frequency list specified by SETup:CMAudio:ANALyzer:FREQuency:ALL[:SVALue] for the multi-tone audio measurements.


Range: 1|ON|0|OFF


Range: 0|1

*RST setting

1 (ON)


Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:ANALyzer:FREQuency:ALL:GENerator OFF"
!Removes coupling between generator and analyzer frequency values and states.



Sets/queries the trigger arm state for multi-tone audio measurements. The trigger arm state determines whether the multi-tone audio measurement will be made once then stop (0|OFF (single)), or automatically re-arm upon completion of one measurement and repeat the process (1|ON (continuous)).

This setting overrides previously set trigger arm settings for all measurements (see SETup[:ALL]:CONTinuous<:OFF|:ON> ).


Range: 1|ON|0|OFF


Range: 0|1

*RST setting

0 (OFF)


Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:CONTinuous OFF"
!Selects single trigger mode.



Sets/queries the number of multi-tone audio measurements the test set will make in a multi-measurement and sets the multi-measurement state to ON.

Range: 1 to 999
Resolution: 1


same as settings

*RST setting 10


Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:COUNt 5"
!Sets measurement count number to 5 and the state to on.



Sets/queries the number of multi-tone audio measurements the test set will make when the SETup:CMAudio:COUNt:STATe is ON.

Range: 1 to 999
Resolution: 1


same as setting

*RST setting



Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:COUNt:NUMBer 10"
!Sets the measurement count number to 10.



Sets/queries the multi-tone audio multi-measurement state.
Setting Range: 1|ON|0| OFF


Range: 1|0

*RST setting

0 (OFF)


Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

!Turns the multi-measurement state on.



Queries the downlink audio generator frequencies/states for each of the 20 tones to be used in a downlink measurement (see SETup:CMAudio:MEASurement:MODE ). This query returns a comma-separated list of 20 values in Hz. A value of 0 indicates that the corresponding tone state is set to Off.

To set the audio frequencies for the downlink audio generator, use SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:FREQuency:DOWNlink:PRESet .



  • 10 to 4000 Hz (only spec'd to 3000 Hz)
  • 0 (indicating the tone is off)
Resolution: 10 Hz

*RST setting

same as Narrow preset (see SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:FREQuency:DOWNlink:PRESet )


Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:FREQuency:DOWNlink:ALL?"
!Queries audio frequencies for each of the 20 tones for the downlink audio generator.



Sets/queries the downlink audio generator frequencies/states for each of the 20 tones from a preset selected. It is used in a downlink measurement (see SETup:CMAudio:MEASurement:MODE ).

The state of the frequency and level for any given tone is coupled. Setting the tone's frequency state will simultaneously set the tone's level state ( SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:LEVel:DOWNlink:ALL[:SAMPlitude]? ) to the same value.


Range: NONE|NARRow|NORMal|WIDE|SIN300|SIN600|SIN800|SIN1000|SIN1200

  • NONE: no preset state or generator frequency settings do not match one of the preset states
  • NARRow: sets the tones <N=1 to 12> to (100*N+200) Hz, and tones <N=13 to 20> to (200*N - 1000) Hz
  • NORMal: sets the first tone to 300 Hz, tones <N=2 to 5> to (200*N+200) Hz, and tones <N=6 to 9> to (400*N - 800) Hz, tone <N=10> to 3000 Hz, and turns all others off
  • WIDE: sets the tones <N=1 to 10> to (100*N) Hz, tones <N=11 to 14> to (200*N - 1000) Hz, tones <N=15 to 17> to (400*N - 4000) Hz, and tones <N=18 to 20> to (300*N - 2400) Hz
  • SIN300: sets the first tone to 300 Hz and turns all others off
  • SIN600: sets the first tone to 600 Hz and turns all others off
  • SIN800: sets the first tone to 800 Hz and turns all others off
  • SIN1000: sets the first tone to 1000 Hz and turns all others off
  • SIN1200: sets the first tone to 1200 Hz and turns all others off
  • SIN1600: sets the first tone to 1600 Hz and turns all others off
  • SIN2000: sets the first tone to 2000 Hz and turns all others off
  • SIN2400: sets the first tone to 2400 Hz and turns all others off
  • SIN2800: sets the first tone to 2800 Hz and turns all others off
  • SIN3000: sets the first tone to 3000 Hz and turns all others off
  • AOFF: turns all tones off


Range: NONE|NARRow|NORMal|WIDE|SIN300|SIN600|SIN800|SIN1000

*RST setting



Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:FREQuency:DOWNlink:PRESet NARRow"
!Sets audio tones' frequencies generated by downlink audio generator
!based on the NARRow preset.



Sets/queries the individual audio frequencies/states for each of the 20 tones for the uplink audio generator to be used in an uplink measurement (see SETup:CMAudio:MEASurement:MODE ).

It is specified in the form of a comma-separated list of 20 values. A value (in units of Hz) must be entered for each of the 20 tones. An entry of 0 in the list indicates that the state of that tone is set to Off. You can also specify the uplink audio generator frequencies/states from a preset by SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:FREQuency:Uplink:PRESet .

The state of the frequency and level for any given tone is coupled. Setting the tone's level state (by SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:LEVel:UPLink:ALL[:SAMPlitude] ) will simultaneously set the tone's frequency state to the same value, and vice versa.



  • 10 to 4000 Hz (only spec'd to 3000 Hz)
  • 0 (indicating that the tone is turned off)
Resolution: 10 Hz


same as setting

*RST setting

same as Narrow preset (see SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:FREQuency:Uplink:PRESet )


Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:FREQuency:Uplink:ALL 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950, 1000, 1050, 1100, 1150, 1200, 1250, 1300"
!Sets uplink audio generator frequencies for the 20 tones
!and turns their states to ON.



Sets/queries the uplink audio generator frequencies/states for each of the 20 tones from the preset selected. It will be used in an uplink measurement (see SETup:CMAudio:MEASurement:MODE ).

You can also specify the uplink audio generator's individual frequencies/states by SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:FREQuency:Uplink:ALL[:SVALue] , which will cause this setting to NONE.

The state of the frequency and level for any given tone is coupled. Setting the tone's level state (by SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:LEVel:UPLink:ALL[:SAMPlitude] ) will simultaneously set the tone's frequency state to the same value, and vice versa.

After a preset selection is made, if any of the uplink audio generator frequencies or states are changed by SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:FREQuency:Uplink:ALL[:SVALue] or SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:LEVel:UPLink:ALL[:SAMPlitude] , the uplink audio generator preset frequency will be reset to its default value of NONE. The query of the preset value will return NONE even if settings to the generator's individual frequencies and states to conditions identical to a preset have been made.


Range: NONE|NARRow|NORMal|WIDE|SIN300|SIN600|SIN800|SIN1000

  • NONE: no preset state or generator frequency settings do not match one of the preset states
  • NARRow: sets the tones <N=1 to 12> to (100*N+200) Hz, and tones <N=13 to 20> to (200*N - 1000) Hz
  • NORMal: sets the first tone to 300 Hz, tones <N=2 to 5> to (200*N+200) Hz, and tones <N=6 to 9> to (400*N - 800) Hz, tone <N=10> to 3000 Hz, and turns all others off
  • WIDE: sets the tones <N=1 to 10> to (100*N) Hz, tones <N=11 to 14> to (200*N - 1000) Hz, tones <N=15 to 17> to (400*N - 4000) Hz, and tones <N=18 to 20> to (300*N - 2400) Hz
  • SIN300: sets the first tone to 300 Hz and turns all others off
  • SIN600: sets the first tone to 600 Hz and turns all others off
  • SIN800: sets the first tone to 800 Hz and turns all others off
  • SIN1000: sets the first tone to 1000 Hz and turns all others off
  • SIN1200: sets the first tone to 1200 Hz and turns all others off
  • SIN1600: sets the first tone to 1600 Hz and turns all others off
  • SIN2000: sets the first tone to 2000 Hz and turns all others off
  • SIN2400: sets the first tone to 2400 Hz and turns all others off
  • SIN2800: sets the first tone to 2800 Hz and turns all others off
  • SIN3000: sets the first tone to 3000 Hz and turns all others off
  • AOFF: turns all tones off


Range: NONE|NARRow|NORMal|WIDE|SIN300|SIN600|SIN800|SIN1000

*RST setting



Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:FREQuency:UPLink:PRESet NARRow"
!Sets audio frequencies/states from the NARRow preset
!for the uplink audio generator. 



Queries the individual audio levels/states for each of the 20 tones for the downlink audio generator. It is used in a downlink measurement (see SETup:CMAudio:MEASurement:MODE ). This query returns a comma-separated list of 20 values, in percentage. A value of -1.0 indicates that the corresponding tone state is set to Off which is determined by SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:FREQuency:DOWNlink:PRESet .

The level of each tone whose state is on is determined by the total level setting SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:LEVel:DOWNlink:ALL:TOTal[:SAMPlitude] . You can not directly set the individual tone levels for the downlink audio generator.


Range: 0 to 50% and -1.0 (indicating the tone is turned off)
Resolution: 0.1%

*RST setting



Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:LEVel:DOWNlink:ALL?"
!Returns individual audio levels for each of the 20 tones for the downlink audio generator.



Sets/queries the multi-tone audio total level and turns the total level state to ON for the downlink audio generator. It is used in a downlink measurement (see SETup:CMAudio:MEASurement:MODE ). The total level determines the individual tone's level, which will be equally distributed among the tones whose states are on (the tone's state is determined by the SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:FREQuency:DOWNlink:PRESet ). Each tone level is calculated as: [sqrt (total level 2 / number of tones on)]. For example, if you specify the total to be 10% and all 20 tone states are on, 2.2% is assigned to each tone.

This setting is used when the total level state for the downlink audio generator is On. To query the total level state for the downlink audio generator, use SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:LEVel:DOWNlink:ALL:TOTal:STATe? .


Range: 10 to 50% (in 20% increment)
Resolution: 0.1%


Range: 10%, 30%, 50%

*RST setting



Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:LEVel:DOWNlink:ALL:TOTal 10"
!Sets the downlink audio generator's total level to 10% and turns its
!state to on.



Sets/queries the multi-tone audio total level for the downlink audio generator to be used in a downlink measurement (see SETup:CMAudio:MEASurement:MODE ). The total level will be equally distributed among the tones whose states are on (determined by the SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:FREQuency:DOWNlink:PRESet ) and each tone level is calculated as: [sqrt (total level 2 / number of tones on)]. For example, if you specify the total to be 10% and all 20 tone states are on, 2.2% is assigned to each tone. You can not directly set the individual tone levels for the downlink audio generator.

This setting is used when the total level state for the downlink audio generator is On. To query the total level state for the downlink audio generator, use SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:LEVel:DOWNlink:ALL:TOTal:STATe? .


Range: 10 to 50 %
Resolution: 0.1 %


Same as the above settings

*RST setting



Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:LEVel:DOWNlink:ALL:TOTal 10"
!Sets the downlink audio generator's total level to 10%.



Queries the multi-tone audio total level state for control of the downlink audio generator output levels. It is used in a downlink measurement (see SETup:CMAudio:MEASurement:MODE ). It is always returns 1 (ON) since the downlink audio generator output level is controlled only by the total level.To set the multi-tone audio total level for the downlink audio generator, use SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:LEVel:DOWNlink:ALL:TOTal[:SAMPlitude] or SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:LEVel:DOWNlink:ALL:TOTal:AMPlitude .



*RST setting

1 (ON)


Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:LEVel:DOWNlink:ALL:TOTal:STATe?"
!Queries the multitone audio total level state 
!for the downlink audio generator.



Sets/queries the individual audio levels/states for each of the 20 tones for the uplink audio generator. It is used in an uplink measurement (see SETup:CMAudio:MEASurement:MODE ). It is specified in the form of a comma-separated list of 20 values (in units of Vrms). A value must be entered for each of the 20 tones. An entry of -1.0 in the list indicates that the state of that tone is set to Off.

The state of the frequency and level for any given tone is coupled. Setting the tone's frequency state (by SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:FREQuency:Uplink:ALL[:SVALue] or SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:FREQuency:Uplink:PRESet ) will simultaneously set the tone's level state to the same value, and vice versa.

This setting is not used if the total level state is set to on by SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:LEVel:UPLink:ALL:TOTal:STATe .



  • 0 to 5.04 V rms (0 to 7.14 V peak) (If more than one tone is turned on, the total can not exceed 5.04 V rms)
  • -1 (indicating that tone is turned off)
Resolution: 0.1 mV


same as setting

*RST setting

80 mV


Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:LEVel:UPLink:ALL 50, 60, 70, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 70, 70, 70, 60, 60, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50"
!Specifies individual tone levels for each of the 20 tones
!and turns their states to ON.



Sets/queries the multi-tone audio total level (in units of Vrms) and turns the total level state to on for the uplink audio generator to be used in an uplink measurement (see SETup:CMAudio:MEASurement:MODE ). The total level will be equally distributed among the tones whose states are on and each tone level is calculated as: [sqrt (total level 2 / number of tones on)]. For example, if you specify the total to be 1 V and all 20 tone states are on, 224 mV is assigned to each tone.

Range: 0 to 5.04 V rms (0 to 7.14 V peak)
Resolution: 0.1 mV


same as setting

*RST setting

360 mV


Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:LEVel:UPLink:ALL:TOTal 1"
!Sets the uplink audio generator's total level to 1V rms
!and turns its state to on.



Sets the multi-tone audio total levels (in units of Vrms) for each of the 20 tones for the uplink audio generator to be used in an uplink measurement (see SETup:CMAudio:MEASurement:MODE ). The total level will be equally distributed among the tones whose states are on and each tone level (on) is calculated as: [sqrt (total level 2 / number of tones on)]. For example, if you specify the total to be 1 V and all 20 tone states are on, 224 mV is assigned to each tone.

This setting is not used until the total level state is set to on by SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:LEVel:UPLink:ALL:TOTal:STATe .

You can set the total level and turn on its state with one command: SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:LEVel:UPLink:ALL:TOTal[:SAMPlitude] .


Range: 0 to 5.04 V rms (0 to 7.14 V peak)
Resolution: 0.1 mV


Same as the above settings

*RST setting

360 mV


Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:LEVel:UPLink:ALL:TOTal:AMPLitude 1"
!Sets the uplink audio generator's total level to 1V rms.



Sets/queries the multi-tone audio total level state for control of the uplink audio generator output levels. It is used in an uplink measurement (see SETup:CMAudio:MEASurement:MODE ).The uplink audio generator output levels is controlled by the total level settings ( SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:LEVel:UPLink:ALL:TOTal:AMPLitude ) when the state is set to on, or controlled by the individual audio level settings ( SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:LEVel:UPLink:ALL[:SAMPlitude] ) when the state is set to off.





*RST setting

1 (ON)


Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:GENerator:LEVel:UPLink:ALL:TOTal:STATe OFF"
!Sets uplink audio generator's total level state to off.



Sets/queries the audio tone mask level lower limits for each of the 20 tones in the form of a comma-separated list of 20 values. A value must be entered for each of the 20 tones.

If any tone's measured level is less than the value of its lower limit or greater than the value of its upper limit ( SETup:CMAudio:LEVel:ALL:LIMit:UPPer ), a fail result is returned for the measurement (see FETCh:CMAudio:LEVel:LIMit:FAIL? ).


Range: - 100 to 100 dB
Resolution: 1 dB


Same as the above settings

*RST setting

- 100 dB


Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:LEVel:ALL:LIMit:LOWer -25,-25,-25,-50,-50,-50,-75,-75,-75,-100,-100,-100,-100,-100,-75,-75,-75,-50,-50,-50"
!Sets the audio tone mask level lower limits for each of the 20 tones.



Sets/queries the audio tone mask level upper limits for each of the 20 tones in the form of a comma-separated list of 20 values. A value must be entered for each of the 20 tones.

If any tone's measured level is less than the value of its lower limit ( SETup:CMAudio:LEVel:ALL:LIMit:LOWer ) or greater than the value of its upper limit, a fail result is returned for the measurement (see FETCh:CMAudio:LEVel:LIMit:FAIL? ).


Range: - 100 to 100 dB
Resolution: 1 dB


Same as the above settings

*RST setting

100 dB


Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:LEVel:ALL:LIMit:UPPer 25,25,25,50,50,50,75,75,75,100,100,100,100,100,75,75,75,50,50,50"
!Sets the audio tone mask level upper limits for each of the 20 tones.



Sets/queries the measurement mode used by the multi-tone audio measurements. Selecting Uplink mode indicates that the multi-tone audio analyzer will measure the analog signal decoded from the reverse traffic channel. Selecting Downlink mode indicates that the multi-tone audio analyzer will measure the analog signal presented at the AUDIO IN port on the test set's front panel. See How is a multi-tone audio measurement made? for details.

Setting UPLink|DOWNlink



*RST setting



Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:MEASurement:MODE UPL"
!Sets the multi-tone audio measurement mode to uplink audio.



Sets/queries the expected peak voltage (clipping level) presented at the AUDIO IN port of the test set when making the multi-tone audio downlink measurement (see SETup:CMAudio:MEASurement:MODE ). The units (V, MV) are optional, if no units are specified then units default to V.
Setting Range: 1 mV to 20 V peak
Resolution: 1 mV


Same as the above settings

*RST setting

1.0 V


Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:PEAK:VOLTage 5"
!Sets the expected AUDIO IN peak voltage to 5V.



Sets/queries the reference level to be used when making absolute measurements (set by SETup:CMAudio:REFerence:MODE ) on the downlink (set by SETup:CMAudio:MEASurement:MODE ).
Setting Range: 0.1 mV to 5.0 V rms
Resolution: 0.1 mV


Same as the above settings

*RST setting

1 V


Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:REFerence:ABSolute:LEVel:DOWNlink 1.2"
!Sets the reference level for downlink absolute measurements to 1.2 V.



Sets/queries the reference level (in percentage of the full DAC range) to be used when making absolute measurements (set by SETup:CMAudio:REFerence:MODE ) on the uplink (set by SETup:CMAudio:MEASurement:MODE .
Setting Range: 0.1% to 100%
Resolution: 0.1%


Same as the above settings

*RST setting



Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:REFerence:ABSolute:LEVel:UPLink 3.5"
!Sets the reference level for uplink absolute measurements to 3.5%.



Sets/queries the reference mode to be used for multi-tone audio level measurements. If it is set to RELative, the SETup:CMAudio:REFerence:RELative:TONE is used to specify a reference tone. If it is set to ABSolute, the SETup:CMAudio:REFerence:ABSolute:LEVel:DOWNlink or SETup:CMAudio:REFerence:ABSolute:LEVel:UPLink will be used to specify a reference level for a downlink or uplink measurement.
Setting ABSolute | RELative



*RST setting



Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:REFerence:MODE RELative"
!Sets the reference mode to relative.



Sets/queries the audio tone to be used as the reference when making multi-tone audio level measurements in relative reference mode. The reference must be set to relative (see SETup:CMAudio:REFerence:MODE ) for this setting to be used.
Setting Range: 1 to 20
Resolution: 1


Range: 1 to 20
Resolution: 1

*RST setting



Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:REFerence:RELative:TONE 3"
!Sets the reference audio tone for relative measurements to the third tone.



Sets/queries the signal bandwidth (fixed or in percentage of the Audio Tone 1 uplink frequency) to be used when making SINAD/Distortion measurement on the uplink.

  • Fixed - 100Hz
  • Narrow - 20% of the Audio Tone 1 uplink frequency
  • Medium - 40% of the Audio Tone 1 uplink frequency
  • Wide - 60% of the Audio Tone 1 uplink frequency
Setting FIXed | NARRow| MEDIum| WIDe



*RST setting



Test Application Revision: B.13 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.06 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:SDIStortion:SBWidth:UPLink NARR"
!Sets the signal bandwidth to 20% of the Audio Tone 1 uplink frequency.



Sets/queries whether to enable the SINAD/Distortion measurement. When it is enabled (On), Audio level, SINAD, and distortion results are available and displayed (see Multi-Tone Audio Measurement Results for details).
Setting 0 | OFF | 1 | ON


0 | 1

*RST setting

0 (OFF)


Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:SDIStortion ON"
!Enables SINAD/distortion measurement.



Sets/queries the amount of time the multi-tone audio measurement waits to start the measurement after each measurement request. This setting applies to both the uplink and downlink measurement mode. A setting of 0.0 seconds will let the multi-tone audio measurement run at maximum speed.
Setting Range: 0 to 1 s
Resolution: 10 ms


Range: 0 to 1 s
Resolution: 10 ms

*RST setting

0.0 s


Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:SETTling 300MS"
!Sets the settling time to 300 milliseconds.



Sets/queries the multi-tone audio measurement timeout value in seconds and sets the timeout state to ON.
Setting Range: 0.1 to 999.9 seconds
Resolution: 0.1 seconds


Range: 0.1 to 999.9 seconds
Resolution: 0.1 seconds

*RST setting

10 seconds


Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:TIMeout 2"
!Sets the measurement timeout to 2 seconds and
!turns measurment timeout on for the multi-tone audio measurement.



Sets/queries the multi-tone audio measurement timeout state.
Setting 0 | OFF | 1 | ON


0 | 1

*RST setting

0 (OFF)


Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:TIMeout:STATe 1" !Turns measurment timeout on for the multi-tone audio measurement.



Sets/queries the multi-tone audio measurement timeout value in seconds.
Setting Range: 0.1 to 999.9 seconds
Resolution: 0.1 seconds


Range: 0.1 to 999.9 seconds
Resolution: 0.1 seconds

*RST setting

10 seconds


Test Application Revision: B.08 and above
Lab Application Revision: B.02 and above

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"SETup:CMAudio:TIMeout:TIME 2"
!Sets the measurement timeout to 2 seconds
!for the multi-tone audio measurement.