How Do I Make GSM Measurements on a Mobile?

How Do I Make GSM Measurements on a Mobile?

Last updated: December 2, 2008

This section is not applicable to GPRS.

Establish a Call

Select Measurements

Establish a Call

  1. Press the blue SHIFT key.
  2. Press the green Preset key.
  3. Connect the mobile to the test set's RF IN/OUT port.

  4. Turn on the mobile and wait for it to camp.

    If the mobile does not camp check that it is set to the correct cell band.


  5. On the mobile press 1 , 2 , 3 , and then press send.
  6. Check for Connected in the Active Cell Status: field.

Select Measurements

  1. Press the Measurement selection key.
  2. Highlight a measurement and press the knob.
  3. Repeat pressing the Measurement selection key, highlight a measurement and press the knob to add measurements.