Programming an AMR In-Band Frame Error Rate Measurement

Programming an AMR In-Band Frame Error Rate Measurement

Last updated: December 3, 2008

This section is only applicable to lab applications and the test application with a required feature license.

  1. Establish an AMR call between the mobile station and the test set.
  2. Configure the AMR In-Band Frame Error Rate (IFER) parameters using the SETup subsystem.
  3. Use the INITiate commands to begin an AMR IFER measurement.
  4. Use the FETCh? queries to obtain AMR IFER measurement results.

Programming Example

This programming example assumes that a call has been originated from the mobile station or the test set.

10  Test_set=714
20  OUTPUT Test_set;"CALL:TCHannel:CMODe:LSPeech:CHANnel AFS"
30    !Sets the Logical Speech Channel to AFS (Adaptive Full)
40    !-one of the two AMR Logical Speech Channels.
50  OUTPUT Test_set;"CALL:TCHannel:CMODe:AFSpeech:CODec AFS6700,AFS7400,AFS7950,AFS10200"
60      !These four codecs are now the Active Codec Set.
70  OUTPUT Test_set;"CALL:TCHannel:CMODe:AFSpeech:CODec:CURRent AFS6700"
80      !If a call does not exist, this codec will be the initial codec used when a call is made.
90      !If a call does exist, then the codec automatically switches to this codec.
100     !Note that the current codec must be a codec defined in the Active Codec Set.
110  OUTPUT Test_set;"CALL:TCHannel:CMODe:AFSpeech:CODec:THReshold 6,1.5,12,1.5,18.5,2"
120     !Sets the threshold and hysteresis values in the following order:threshold 1,
130     !hysteresis 1, threshold2, hysteresis2, threshold 3,hysteresis 3.
140  OUTPUT Test_set;"SETup:IFERror:TIMeout:STATe OFF"
150     !IFER measurement will not timeout.
160  OUTPUT Test_set;"SETup:IFERror:CONTinuous OFF"
170     !Configures the IFER measurement to Single Trigger.
180  OUTPUT Test_set;"SETup:IFERror:COUNt 150"
190     !Sets the number of speech frames to measure to 150000,
200     !the minimum recommended by the standard.
210  OUTPUT Test_set;"SETup:IFERror:LDControl:AUTO ON"
220     !Automatically determined the number of speech frames needed to wait
230     !for the complete loopback type I. IFER measurement will not start if
240     !loopback type I is not supported by the mobile station.
260  OUTPUT Test_set;"READ:IFERror?"    !Start and obtain all IFER measurement results.
270  ENTER Test_set;Integrity,Speech_frames,Fer,Fec
280  PRINT "Integrity",Integrity
290  PRINT "Speech Frames Tested",Speech_frames
300  PRINT "Frame Error Ratio",Fer
310  PRINT "Frame Error Count",Fec
450  END

Returned Values

The measurements returned by this program are:

Related Topics




In-Band Frame Error (IFER) Measurement Description .

AMR In-Band Frame Error (IFER) Measurement Troubleshooting

How to Make an AMR In-Band Frame Error Measurement

Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) Feature Descriptions