HTTP Interface Configuration for Mobile Originated SMS

HTTP Interface Configuration for Mobile Originated SMS

Last updated: January 3, 2008

This section is applicable to the lab application and to a test application with the required feature license.

If you wish to use the HTTP interface in the test set to route SMS messages originated from the mobile station to the destination such as PC or another test set, you must do the following:

Enable the Test Set's HTTP Interface

You can enable the HTTP output interface in the test set via a GPIB command (see CALL:SMService:HTTProtocol:OUTPut ) or from the test set's front panel (see Enabling the HTTP Interface for Mobile Originated SMS ).

If the interface is not enabled, messages originated from a mobile station can not be routed over HTTP.

Specify the HTTP Output Interface Settings

In order to route SMS messages originated from the mobile station, you must specify the following HTTP output interface settings. All the settings can be changed from the test set's web page, see HTTP SMS Router Web-based Configuration Interface for more information.

HTTP Output Interface Settings Parameters





DUT Sender Address



2 - 20 character ASCII formatted string of BCD digits from 0-9, * and #

Output Destination IP Address


(Empty string)

Any valid IP address. E.g. ""

Destination Port Number Integer 80 0-65534
Text Message URL String (Empty string) 0 - 256 character ASCII formatted string
Binary Message URL String (Empty string) 0 - 256 character ASCII formatted string
Request Method Enum GET GET|POST

Configure the Message URL

In order to configure the text and binary URLs for the test set's HTTP output interface, you must know the receiving entity's requirements. All configurations for tags are detailed in Message URL Tags . When a mobile originated message arrives at the test set, the tags in the message URL are replaced with the respective message content before the request URL is sent to the receiving entity. If the message is being sent directly to another test set, it is not necessary to configure the message URLs.

Message URL Tags


Replaced with


The ASCII text of a received text message (reformatted to meet URL escaping requirements). Should only be used for messages of which encoding is 7-bit ASCII, IA5, or GSM 7-bit default alphabet. It will return the same as the @@DATA@@ tag if used for binary messages.


The message content as a string of hex characters. Should only be used for messages of which encoding is any encoding type other than 7-bit ASCII, IA5, or GSM 7-bit default alphabet. It will return the same as the @@TEXT@@ tag if used for 7-bit text messages.


The destination phone number of the message.


The assigned originating phone number of the message. It should be one of the following two values:- Call-back number, if it is included in MO SMS, or - The number defined by the DUT Sender Address setting detailed in DUT Sender Address: , if Call-back Number is omitted in MO SMS.


The teleservice type of the received message. This parameter is replaced with one of the following text strings if included in the format string:WPT | WMT | VMN | WAP | CATPT | Other.


The priority level of the received message. This parameter is replaced with one of the following text strings if included in the format string: None | Normal | Interactive | Urgent | Emergency.


The message encoding of the received message. This parameter is replaced with one of the following text strings if included in the format string: Octet | EPM | ASCII7 | IA5 | UNICODE | Shift-JIS | Korean | KSC5601 | LatinHebrew | Latin | GSM7 | Other.

Example Message URL

Text Message URL:

Assuming an MS originated text SMS message with the following details has arrived at a test set from a connected DUT:

  • Destination number: 12345
  • Message Text: "This is a text message"
  • Call-back number: 6789

And assuming the text message URL format string has been configured as:

  • /?PhoneNumber=@@Number@@&Text=@@TEXT@@ &Sender=@@SENDER@@

The following URL request string will be sent by the test set to the receiving entity at the currently configured destination IP and Port number:

  • /?PhoneNumber=12345&Text=This%20is%20a%20text%20message &Sender=6789

Binary Message URL

Assuming a MO binary SMS message with the following details has arrived at an 8960 from a connected DUT:

  • Destination number: 54321
  • Message Content: 4F60597D (which means Chinese "Hello" encoded in UNICODE)
  • Message encoding: UNICODE

And assuming the Binary message URL format string has been previously been setup as:

  • /?PhoneNumber=@@NUMBER@@&Data=@@DATA@@&MsgEncoding= @@MSGENCODING&User=user535&Password=pass

The following URL request string will be sent by the 8960 to the receiving entity (other 8960, SMS gateway etc.) at the currently configured destination IP and Port number:

  • /?PhoneNumber=54321&Data=4F60597D&MsgEncoding=UNICODE &User=user535&Password=pass

Related Topics

Manual Operation: Enabling the HTTP Interface for Mobile Originated SMS


HTTP Interface for SMS - Introduction

HTTP SMS Router Web-based Configuration Interface

HTTP Interface Configuration for Mobile Terminated SMS