SMS Status Description

SMS Status Description

Last updated: January 3, 2008

This section is applicable to the lab application and to a test application with the required feature license.

The SMS operations, such as Mobile-Terminated SMS operation, Mobile-Originated Operation, etc., are associated with the state transitions (see SMS State Transition Diagram ). These states can be observed from the SMS Message Acknowledge Info window or queried with CALL:SMService:STATus[:STATe]? .

The SMS status can help you determine the status of the SMS processing, and verify whether the SMS events were successful. The possible states include SMS Transitory States and SMS Terminal States . The test set will always end up in a terminal state once the test set completes a process (successfully or in error conditions).

SMS Transitory States

The following SMS states are transitory states that the test set remain in momentarily during transitions to a terminal state.

SMS Terminal States

The following SMS states are terminal states that the test set is stabilized in for a substantial length of time.

SMS State Transition Diagram

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SMS (Short Message Service) State Synchronization

Short Message Service Information

Test System Synchronization Overview

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Call Processing State Synchronization