Programming a TDSO Frame Error Rate Measurement

 Last updated: October 28, 2004

 This section provides an example of how to make a TDSO (Test Data Service Option) FER measurement via the GPIB.

 The following program example assumes that the mobile station's antenna output is connected to the RF IN/OUT connector, and the mobile station has found service.

 The basic procedure to test TDSO FER is as follows:

  2. Make a SO 32 (F-SCH) call (see CALL:SOPTion ).
  3.  Configure the TDSO FER Setup parameters using the SETup:TFERror subsystem.
  4.  Start the TDSO FER measurement using the INITiate subsystem.
  5.  Use the FETCh:TFERror command to obtain the measurement results.

Programming Example

10    RE-SAVE "c:\roadhog\programs\tdso_fer.txt"
20    !This program measures tdso (test data service option) frame error rate
30    !See "Receiver Sensitivity and Dynamic Range" in TIA/EIA-98-D for specifications and
50    A=714
60    !***Specify call parameters***
70    Systype$="DIGITAL2000" !Cell System Type
80    Band$="USPC" !US PCS band
90    Channel=1125 !RF Channel
100   Sid=1 !System Identification
110   Nid=1 !Network Identification
120   Radio_config$="F3R3" !Radio Configuration
130   Service_opt$="SOFS32" !Service Option SO32 (+F-SCH). This service option must be
140   !before bringing up a call for testing tdso fer
141   !
150   !***Specify test parameters***
160   Loss_frequency$="836 MHZ,881 MHZ" !Reverse channel, forward channel frequencies for
amplitude offset (path loss)
170   Expected_loss$="-2,-2" !Path loss at reverse channel, forward channel frequencies
180   Ior=-60 !Cell power
190   Pilot=-7 !Pilot channel power level
200   Traffic=-15.5 !Traffic channel power level
201   Confidence=2 !Confidence requirement ratio
210   !
220   ON TIMEOUT 7,30 CALL Timeout ! Calls "Timeout" routine
240   OUTPUT A;"SYST:COMM:GPIB:DEB:STAT ON" !Turns debug state on
250   !
260   !***Set up path loss***
270   OUTPUT A;"SYSTEM:CORRECTION:SFREQUENCY ";Loss_frequency$ !Enters frequencies in
Amplitude Offset table
280   OUTPUT A;"SYSTEM:CORRECTION:SGAIN ";Expected_loss$ !Enters loss values in Amplitude
Offset table
290   !
300   !***Set up call parameters***
310   OUTPUT A;"CALL:OPER:MODE CALL" !Sets Operating Mode to Active Cell
320   OUTPUT A;"CALL:SYSTEM ";Systype$ !Sets System Type
330   OUTPUT A;"CALL:BAND ";Band$ !Sets Cell Band for selected System Type
340   OUTPUT A;"CALL:CHAN ";Channel ! Sets Channel for selected System Type and Cell Band
350   OUTPUT A;"CALL:POWER -50" !Sets and turns on Cell Power for selected System Type
360   OUTPUT A;"CALL:SID ";Sid! Sets System Identification
370   OUTPUT A;"CALL:NID ";Nid! Sets Network Identification
380   OUTPUT A;"CALL:RCON ";Radio_config$ !Sets Radio Configuration
390   OUTPUT A;"CALL:SOPTION ";Service_opt$ !Sets service option for selected System Type and
Radio Configuration
400   OUTPUT A;"CALL:PROT PREV6" !Sets Protocol Revision for the selected System Type
410   OUTPUT A;"CALL:PAG:DRAT FULL" !Sets Paging channel data rate to full rate
420   OUTPUT A;"CALL:PIL -7"    !Sets Pilot to default
430   OUTPUT A;"CALL:SYNC -16"  !Sets Sync to default
440   OUTPUT A;"CALL:PAG -12"   !Sets Paging to default
450   OUTPUT A;"CALL:FCH -15.6" !Sets Traffic to default
460   !
470   PRINT "Turn on mobile continue when it has found service and registered"
480   PAUSE
500   OUTPUT A;"CALL:REG:TIMER:STATE 0" !Turns timer-based registrations off
510   WAIT 2 !Waits 2 seconds for any timer-based registrations to clear out
520   !
530   !***Page the mobile station***
540   DISP "Paging mobile station..."
550   OUTPUT A;"CALL:ORIG" !Pages the mobile station
560   OUTPUT A;"CALL:CONNECTED:STATE?" !Queries for connected/idle state...hangs until state
change detector is disarmed
570   ENTER A;Call_connected
580   IF NOT Call_connected THEN
590     DISP "Call attempt failed"
600     STOP
610   ELSE
620     DISP "Call connected"
630   END IF
640   !
650   !***Set up measurement parameters***
660   OUTPUT A;"SETUP:TFERROR:CONTINUOUS OFF" !Sets trigger arm state to single
670   OUTPUT A;"CALL:POW ";Ior ! Sets Cell Power for the selected System Type
680   OUTPUT A;"CALL:PIL ";Pilot !Sets Pilot channel level
690   OUTPUT A;"CALL:FCH ";Traffic !Sets Traffic channel level
700   !
710   !***Obtain measurement results***
720   OUTPUT A;"INITIATE:TFERROR" !Initiates a frame error rate measurement
730   DISP "Measuring TDSO FER"
731   LOOP
732   WAIT 1
760   ENTER A;Tfer_done$
770   EXIT IF Tfer_done$="TFER"
780   END LOOP
800   OUTPUT A;"FETCh:TFERROR?" !Queries the test set for frame error rate measurement results
805   DISP "FER test completed"
810   ENTER A;Integrity,Fer,Rx_good,Rx_blank,Tx_good,Tx_blank,Conf
820   !
940   PRINT "Integrity indicator = ";Integrity
950   PRINT "TDSO FER test results = ";Fer
960   PRINT "Number of received good frames = ";Rx_good
961   PRINT "Number of received blank frames = ";Rx_blank
962   PRINT "Number of transmitted good frames = ";Tx_good
963   PRINT "Number of transmitted blank frames = ";Tx_blank
964   PRINT "Confidence result = ";Conf
970   DISP "Test complete"
980   !***Return to default call processing states***
990   OUTPUT A;"CALL:POW:DIG2000 -50" ! Returns cell power to -50 dBm/1.23 MHz
1000  OUTPUT A;"CALL:REG:TIMER:STATE ON" !Returns timer-based registration to ON
1010  !
1020  OUTPUT A;"CALL:END" !Ends the call
1030  END
1040 Timeout: SUB Timeout    ! Global timeout handler
1050    PRINT "Program timed out"
1060    CLEAR 7
1070    CLEAR 714
1080  SUBEND

Related Topics


TDSO Frame Error Rate Measurement Description

 Measuring TDSO (Test Data Service Option) Frame Error Rate (FER)

 TDSO Frame Error Rate Troubleshooting

 Control Program Example


